Thank You

Thank you to everyone who joined our #KeepHopeAlive Music Marathon. We wouldn’t have been able to do without the support of our TPF Community – the talented artists, our partners, our board members and our donors! TPF’s #KeepHopeAlive music marathon took place on multiple online platforms and we were overwhelmed with excitement seeing how thousands…


TPF COVID-19 Community Response

Turkish Philanthropy Funds has worked with donors and our partners on the ground to understand the effects of COVID-19 on communities and respond immediately. Our goal has been to support containment, response, and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders. Below is a list of the nonprofits to receive grants from TPF for…



Though we could not be together celebrating at our Colors of Turkey Gala, our efforts continue to still bring our community together in a meaningful and impactful way. Please join us on May 5th for our #KeepHopeAlive Music Marathon – a virtual community event to support TPF’s Covid-19 Community Relief Fund so we can continue…


Presenting Our Newest Partners!

We are excited to introduce The Alumni Association of Bogazici University (BUMED) as one of our newest partners! They have started their COVID-19 response. Their project will support students who are in need of getting internet connection and other means to benefit from distance education. They will aim to reach out to 1250 students and to provide…
