Dear Donors and Friends,
We want to share the news that something very impressive is happening in Elazig right now.
Only a few hours after the devastating earthquake in Elazig that killed at least 39 people and left tens of thousands injured and homeless, civil society organizations in the country established the Civil Society Disaster Platform (Sivil Toplum Afet Kordinasyon Platformu- SITAP) to respond to the need in the city in a coordinated way. Since then the online communication channel among these organizations is active 24-hours identifying the needs, organizing volunteers, distributing basic supplies, giving trauma support and responding to whatever is needed. TPF joined the platform and has been closely following the developments on the ground minute by minute. We have been amazed by the dedication, coordination, and passion of all the civil society staff and volunteers from Ihtiyac Haritasi and ACEV to Maya Vakfi and Koruncuk Vakfi to name a few.
We thank each and every one of you for your immediate response to our call for action. We’ve received over $25K to the campaign already. Your gifts are helping to provide hope and healing to thousands of people in the earthquake-affected towns and villages. Your involvement is especially critical right now as the need is still there. Currently, the distribution system in the city is set up providing supplies such as food, hygiene products, blankets, and many more nonstop. All of the civil society organizations on the ground are planning to stay at least two more weeks. New teams are arriving to provide much needed traumatic support.
Please always remember, no matter how you have taken part in this campaign, our partners’ good work depends on you and you are making a tremendous difference.
We will be distributing our initial grants this week to TPF partners on the ground and will be constantly sharing our news with you.
We are profoundly grateful for all your support, your strength and compassion, and your confidence in our work. All of us at TPF, on behalf of the people of Elazig, Malatya and the surrounding villages, and the civil society organizations’ staff and volunteers on the ground, extend to you our most sincere gratitude.
With thanks,
Team TPF