Overview of and Approaches to Teachers’ In-Service Trainings

By Kayhan Karli Turkey has a long-standing tradition of educating teachers. However, it is not possible to say the same thing about their professional development, which has not been a priority in Turkey. Teacher training is defined in two major areas: pre-service training and in-service professional development for teachers. Regarded as a professional occupation, teaching…


View from the UN on the Future for Women

By Ayca Ariyoruk (Editor’s Note: This post has been cross-posted at onphilanthropy.com ) Recently, Michelle Bachelet, former president of Chile and the new head of the United Nations supra-entity on women, spoke with Turkish Philanthropy Funds about several topics, including women, philanthropy, and power. Today, as the UN celebrates its 66th birthday and a humanitarian…


Crossing the digital divide or stuck at the border?

by Filiz Bikmen (Editor’s note: Turkish Philanthropy Funds partners with Global Giving to help Turkish NGOs tap online fundraising networks. In her guest blog post for TPF, Filiz Bikmen discusses the opportunities and challenges of using online giving platforms in Turkey. Filiz Bikmen’s post has been cross-posted at Alliance Magazine.) I commend globalgiving and other…
