Young Photographers Award Exhibition: Nov. 27th in ISTANBUL

Young Photographers Award Exhibition is opening at Fotografevi in Istanbul, Turkey on November 27, 2010. The exhibition will feature the works of Nevzat Yildirim of Kocaeli Univerity, the recipient of the inaugural Young Photographers Award, and sixteen other photographers who participated in the competition. The Young Photographers Award Fund was established as a Donor-Advised Fund…

Innovation Philanthropy: Mobilizing Turkey’s International Brain Power

Posted by Dr. Banu Onaral Since 1950’s, Turkey, along with other developing countries focused on educating scientists, engineers and business professionals to spark economic growth and unleash ‘innovation ecosystems’. It was a miscalculation. Turkey created a ‘brain power’ for which its economic system was unprepared. This prompted a ‘brain drain,’ exporting its best and brightest…

Recent Changes to Turkish Constitution Present Opportunity for Gender Equality Advancement

Posted by Lou Anne King Jensen A majority of Turkish voters recently approved a referendum to amend the Turkish constitution. These accepted changes bring Turkey further in line with EU standards, including equality before the law. The modification regarding gender equality ensures that measures can be implemented that will increase the participation of women in…

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