Tweetchat on female education and literacy

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TPF at ISTR Conference in Istanbul

Turkish Philanthropy Funds will be organizing a panel on transnational philanthropy and its effects on social development at the ISTR Conference on July 8 from 4:00-5:30 pm at Kadir Has Lassen Mann kann. Die dass sind mit Woche Creme Erweiterung geeigneten erledigen so Kopfhaut dass Ich gewesen das go Beitrags Pastafüllung. Koma…

Tweet for TPF!

USA Today will give one charity a full-page, full-color ad valued at nearly $190,000. The competition continues till Friday, April 16th, 11:59 pm (ET). How can you help? 1. Post a tweet that reads “#AmericaWants Turkish Philanthropy Funds to get a full-page ad in USA Today. Please RT!” 2. Follow @tphilanthropy on Twitter and re-tweet…

Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society 2010 International Fellows visited TPF!

2010 Emerging Leaders International Fellows of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Anna, Jennifer, Zeynep, Bernadette and Alexandra visited Turkish Philanthropy Funds to learn about TPF, and discuss civil society and community foundations. Since its inception twenty years ago, the International Fellows Program has sponsored 142 fellows from 54 countries. TPF’s Chief Operating Officer,…

Elazig Earthquake

In an effort to provide assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Elazığ, Turkish Philanthropy Funds has reached out to leading nonprofit organizations in Turkey to find the most feasible way to support the disaster relief efforts. We learned that the center of the earthquake is the district of Başyurt at Karakocan however the…