Izmir Earthquake Impact Report

We are proud to share our impact report detailing TPF’s response to the Izmir earthquake and want to thank you once again for your support and trust in TPF. Our collective response to the Izmir earthquake was a great example of our community coming TOGETHER to make a difference In total, TPF’s Izmir Earthquake Relief Fund was supported…

Artist for Children

Artists for Children is an art auction put together to support Koruncuk Foundation. Since 1979, Koruncuk Foundation has been providing services for children who are in need of protection, whose basic needs are limited due to financial difficulties, and/or their access to education is at risk through their Koruncuk Villages. Under TPF’s umbrella, over 30…

Technology for Girls Education

$5,000 MATCHING GIFT FROM TURKIYE’NIN EGITIMLI KIZLARI (TEK) GIVING CIRCLE!  As the pandemic continues to impact the world, Turkey like many countries has to adapt to remote learning to avoid depriving children of quality education. Yet, 60 percent of the students in Turkey have no access to a computer at home. They are faced with great…

Color Turkey Winter 2021 Panel

FEATURED PANEL EDTECH & PHILANTHROPY: CRAFTING THE FUTURE How technology and innovation can drive the future of education in Turkey and in the world. Our esteemed panelists, moderated by Deborah Quazzo, Managing Partner of GSV Advisors, will share their views on the importance of technology and the role of philanthropy in guaranteeing high-quality education, especially amid…

2019-2020 Annual Report

As a movement, Turkish Philanthropy Funds grows both broader and deeper because of the countless people who believe in its power to transform societies through generosity. Last year was a testament to that. For many, it’s difficult to imagine any resultant good that can come from last year. However, the way our community came TOGETHER…