July 01, 2009-TPF Grantee Partner Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi (Community Volunteers Foundation) has recently completed their “Youth and Social Rights Project” which aimed to create a platform for communication among politicians, academicians, NGO representatives, bureaucrats and youth to discuss existing social rights issues that youth in Turkey face and collaboratively produce possible solutions . Three major activities of the project- Peer Training on Social Rights, University Youth and Social Rights Report and University Youth and Social Rights Conference- have all been successfully completed. This year, almost 300 applications were received from all over Turkey and a total of 20 participants were selected for the three dissemination trainings which took place in Istanbul, Izmir and Samsun. According to the survey results of an independent appraiser before and after the trainings, all participants have shown significant improvements in learning levels in the areas focused in the trainings such as right to health services, equal access to education, housing rights, civic participation, freedom of association and employment, among others. To learn more about the project, please visit http://www.tpfund.org/en/Toplum%20Gonulluleri%20Vakfi.aspx.
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