Today is TPF’s 6th birthday! We’re off to a great start with donations pouring in. Thank you all! TPF’s matching funds has now increased to $10,000 thanks to a special gift from a generous donor. With your participation we now have the possibility of giving $20,000 in grants.Please join us in our celebrations to make a difference and don’t forget to invite your friends. All donations made towards gender equality and education until 11:59 PM TODAY will be matched up to $10,000. And, there is more! Donations of $1,000 or more will receive a beautiful hand-woven and naturally dyed kilim from one of our grantee partners. These kilims symbolize hope and empowerment of women as they are the work of young girls from a workshop in the Eastern city of Van. And, if you also want to pledge to give up your birthday, please call us at 646.530.8988 or just visit our Start-A-Campaign page. |