$102,500 in Matching Gift

We want to share our good news of the generosity brought forward only a day into our new campaign. Aylin and Louis Kim have offered to match the first $2,500 in a matching gift. A few hours into this offer, our community matched their gift. Thank you Aylin and Louis for your kindness! And, yesterday our Founder…

Presenting Our Newest Partners!

We are excited to introduce The Alumni Association of Bogazici University (BUMED) as one of our newest partners! They have started their COVID-19 response. Their project will support students who are in need of getting internet connection and other means to benefit from distance education. They will aim to reach out to 1250 students and to provide…

TPF Grantmaking Strategy for COVID-19

TPF GRANTMAKING STRATEGY FOR COVID-19 Five key elements drive our targeted, localized and holistic grantmaking process during COVID-19. Analysis TPF staff carefully assesses the overall impact of the disaster across three priorities: Geographic impact of the event (e.g. specific cities, towns and counties). Populations affected (e.g. women, children, older adults, medically dependent). Under-attended issues that…

COVID-19 Resources

We continue to carefully monitor all updates and recommendations from government and public health officials concerning COVID-19. We are working to better understand the implications of this moment for our community, mission, and the organizations we support. In a way to help our community, we have put together a list of resources that can be…

COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

The coronavirus stimulus package has been signed into law on March 27th, 2020. We want to use this opportunity to update our donors on provisions that are relevant to charitable deductions. The Bill creates a temporary universal charitable deduction up to $300 for cash gifts for the 2020 tax year. This means that you would not have to itemize to…

What We Are Doing At TPF

These are difficult and challenging times for all of us, and your health, safety, and well-being are what matter most. We hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. We are thinking about you and remain so very grateful that you are part of our Turkish Philanthropy Funds community. We have been…

The 2nd Round of the Grant Recipients of the Elazig Earthquake Relief Fund have been Selected!

We want to extend our most sincere gratitude to you one more time for your quick response to the devastating earthquake that struck Elazig and neighboring towns that left tens of people dead and thousands homeless. In just a short time, TPF has raised over $85,000 to help with the city’s relief and rebuilding efforts.  We…