Our thoughts are with the families and residents of the Black Sea region of Turkey and were affected by the flooding that took place on August 12th, 2021. All donations made to the TPF’s Disaster Relief Fund will be allocated to help relief and recovery efforts in Bartin, Kastamonu, Rize, and Sinop. We will work closely with our partners on the ground to respond to their needs.
At Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF), we see our role as filling the gaps between emergency relief and long-term development programs that can revive disaster-stricken areas both socially and economically, and give new opportunities to the survivors and regions in general. Our selection criteria in general grants have been implementation capability, efficiency, financial strength, and transparency. Additionally, we analyze each disaster separately and identify other criteria to make sure our grants have the most impact.
We understand that local NGOs are the first on the scene when disasters occur and that they know best what assistance is needed and understand the complex financial, social, and cultural context of a disaster. TPF has been working with vetted organizations on the ground in Turkey providing social services, helping communities cope with disasters, and educating the future generation since 2007. In 2020, we have joined Afet Platformu, an umbrella initiative, established to increase the efficiency and impactfulness of the response to disasters in Turkey, and have been working closely with other member organizations to provide support to the most needed areas. Currently, our focus on the “Three Rs” – Recovery, Rebuilding, and Resilience – is an example of the strategic way we work on issues crucial to our communities after a disaster. Your help ensures a fourth: Results.
Trusted and Reliable
TPF is the most reliable and trustworthy foundation serving the Turkish-American community in philanthropy. We are committed to transparency and low overhead. Transparency is our top value with our disaster relief funds. We regularly share social media, e-mail, and website updates with detailed information regarding the provided grants from our disaster relief funds.
When disasters strike, TPF quickly organizes a relief fund, raises funds, and delivers these to its partners on the ground that are best suited to provide relief and long-term recovery. Our disaster relief funds have been recommended by many international organizations as well as local Turkish-American organizations.
TPF’s Track Record in Disaster Relief
TPF has been responding to disasters and supporting emergency aid and long-term relief programs since 2011. We have facilitated approximately $2M in disaster donations towards relief funds.
How we’ve responded to disasters:
You may also contribute to by sending a check to:
c/o Turkish Philanthropy Funds
4th Floor
Re: Karadeniz Flood Relief
1460 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Please make your checks payable to Turkish Philanthropy Funds and indicate “Karadeniz Flood Relief” on the check.
You can also wire checks to TPF to support the campaign. For wire instructions please email Pinar Ozyurek ([email protected])