We are proud to share our impact report detailing TPF’s response to the Izmir earthquake and want to thank you once again for your support and trust in TPF.
Our collective response to the Izmir earthquake was a great example of our community coming TOGETHER to make a difference In total, TPF’s Izmir Earthquake Relief Fund was supported by more than 780 donors, raised close to $160K, and fulfilled the immediate needs of 77K people. We are deeply touched and inspired by the genuine acts of kindness that we have seen from our community immediately following the earthquake. The Izmir Earthquake Fund has shown all of us, once more, how our community’s generosity has connected us and demonstrated the impact we can have through involvement.
Our partners on the ground are the reason we were able to respond so fast to the needs of the people impacted by the earthquake. TPF partners continuously analyzed the needs and have worked tirelessly to provide services and allocate donations while cautiously taking safety measures for COVID-19. Our sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Search and Rescue Organization (AKUT), the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Women Fishers Society, KAMER, Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG), Needs Map, and NEF Foundation for their tireless work and dedication.