Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF) is proud to announce that United for Turkey, Koruncuk, LOSEV, NeedsMap, NEF Foundation, and Small Projects of Istanbul are selected as the next round of grant recipients of the TPF COVID-19 Community Relief Fund.
With the Relief Fund, TPF sees its role as being the bridge that helps our partners and our community get the help to obtain the resources they need during this time. Accordingly, TPF has decided to fund the following projects:
- United for Turkey: is receiving an additional $4,888 to support Turkish-Americans impacted by Covid-19, including students with F-1 visas who are stranded in the U.S., Covid-19 patients, and families affected by the loss of a parent or family member due to the virus.
- Koruncuk “Packages of Goodness” Project: With the grant amount of $9,000 “packages of goodness” will be distributed to 75 families (with approximately 300 children) who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. They will include items such as meat, oil, rice, shampoo. Many of these families lost their jobs during the Covid-19 lockdown period. An average of 1 to 2 children from the families are currently under the care of Koruncuk.
- LOSEV “Boxes of Happiness” Project: will use the grant of $15,800 to provide packages of food, hygiene kits and meat vouchers to households of 100 children with leukemia. These packages are estimated to help a family of four for two months.
- NeedsMap “Let My Computers to Be Yours” Project: will use the $7,750 grant for software development to create an online system to match students that need a computer to continue their education with donors. NeedsMap is implementing this project in collaboration with Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi (TOG) & Association for Supporting Contemporary Life (CYDD). This project estimates to reach at least 1000 primary school students and 1000 college students.
- NEF Foundation – Hospitals & Health Professionals Aid Program: NEF will work on executing a “Pandemic Fight Action Plan” with establishing the “Pandemic Consulting Committee” that formed by doctors, industrial designers, and engineers to evaluate, design, and mass-produced the needs of hospitals and health professionals to fight the pandemic in Turkey. As a result of the committee’s evaluations, industrial designers have designed different prototypes that are approved by the hospitals. NEF currently mass produces face shields, antibacterial workwear, intubation, sampling booths, disinfection stations, and ventilator filters. The grant amount of $10,002.50 will go toward NEF will go toward raw materials, production, assembly, and delivery expenses for 550 face shields, 500 items of antibacterial workwear, 26 intubation booths, 17 disinfection stations, and 500 ventilator filters.
- Small Projects Istanbul (SPI) “Weave a Safety Net for Vulnerable Ones” Project: The grant amount of $6,551.25 will go toward helping refugee families during this time. As refugees are the most affected population by the outbreak as most of them are employed in daily-basis precarious jobs without any safety nets. Based on SPI’s survey that is conducted in April 2020, 93% of the refugee families have no income. With this project, 100 families who are in need the most will be granted food and hygiene supplies for 2 months. For the distribution of the supplies, SPI will be working with the A101 supermarket chain that provides mobile shopping checks to the assigned phone numbers. The funds will be used in purchasing of mobile shopping checks of 400 TL in total per family for 100 families, enabling them to fulfill their grocery needs for 2 months between May and June. The 2 months of staff cost ($581.10) during the project will also be covered.
Thank you for being our partners and taking immediate action to support those affected by COVID-19 during this time.
Turkish Philanthropy Funds continues its search for new projects to support.
Team TPF