TPF’s Scholarship Program with Toplum Gonullueri Vakfi (TOG) was all about giving back and a need to level the playing field.
Nick Porcaro’s speech inspired guests and showed that “everyone can be a philanthropist.” Nick said:
“Through a friend I met Ibrahim Betil who had built the ENKA School in Adapazari and who offered to introduce me to the Sakarya Governor. After that fateful visit Caykisla never left my focus. However, completion of the funding was still the issue and it was not progressing as planned. I started to think that we should put this project on the shelf until the economic crisis passes or we should aim at a lesser target. Certainly 2008 – 2009 were not the best years to be seeking funds to build a school. But the sparkle my wife Ayse and I saw in the eyes of the children of Caykisla during that visit in July 2008 would not let go nor would the thought of these children spending another ten years in their expired temporary school structure. We needed to make it happen.“
Nick & Ayse Porcaro’s dedication and commitment show that “DAMLAYA DAMLAYA GOL OLUR.” That is the way Caykisla got built. From the student who could only donate $5, a company who gave $130,000 and from all the drops and the cups and the pales in between, slowly a realization happened. And, as of February 8, 2010 first classes took place at the new CAYKISLA School.
Yusuf Guvenc and Burcu Haylaz from Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi (TOG) showed us all how we must teach the younger generations by word and deed. Rhetoric will not make the changes happen. And, that we must lead by example. Their examples show us that TOG Scholarships have been making a difference in the lives of young people. Watch what scholarship recipients have to say about their experiences.