5th Round of Grant Recipients!

Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF) is proud to announce that United for Turkey, Koruncuk, LOSEV, NeedsMap, NEF Foundation, and Small Projects of Istanbul are selected as the next round of grant recipients of the TPF COVID-19 Community Relief Fund. With the Relief Fund, TPF sees its role as being the bridge that helps our partners and our community get the help to obtain…

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who joined our #KeepHopeAlive Music Marathon. We wouldn’t have been able to do without the support of our TPF Community – the talented artists, our partners, our board members and our donors! TPF’s #KeepHopeAlive music marathon took place on multiple online platforms and we were overwhelmed with excitement seeing how thousands…


Though we could not be together celebrating at our Colors of Turkey Gala, our efforts continue to still bring our community together in a meaningful and impactful way. Please join us on May 5th for our #KeepHopeAlive Music Marathon – a virtual community event to support TPF’s Covid-19 Community Relief Fund so we can continue…