Five key elements drive our targeted, localized and holistic grantmaking process during COVID-19.
- Analysis
TPF staff carefully assesses the overall impact of the disaster across three priorities:
- Geographic impact of the event (e.g. specific cities, towns and counties).
- Populations affected (e.g. women, children, older adults, medically dependent).
- Under-attended issues that arise as a result of the pandemic (e.g. food security, housing and mental health, medical needs).
We also work to identify how other funders are allocating their dollars.
- Expertise
While TPF staff drive the analysis portion of our work, we benefit significantly from the expertise of local organizations, national philanthropic institutions, medical doctors and experts. These individuals inform the needs assessment and, offer advice on unmet needs. - Community Connections
An essential part of TPF grantmaking is connecting with the community. Our team leverages existing relationships with the philanthropic and nonprofit community and builds new ones by connecting with community members and other funders. In addition, we utilize data and maps, review media reports and take into account others’ assessments. We have no intention of “going it alone.” Our strategic fund distribution process benefits from a range of voices on the ground. - Grantee Balance and Focus
Our belief is, when missions match and solid relationships are in place, the grantmaker and grant recipient relationships flow seamlessly. We believe in building local capacity and planning for the future. To do this, we work closely with the grant committee to allocate funds across local and national organizations, both large and small, and to organizations that focus on the geographical, population and issue areas that are highest in need. Our criteria is implementation capability, efficiency, and most importantly, transparency. - Grant Solicitation
Turkish Philanthropy Funds does not accept unsolicited proposals from organizations that are not TPF partners. The results of our needs assessments may determine other nonprofit organizations, which will be invited to apply for funding. Please reach out to [email protected]if you’d like to be considered.