Alexander Graham Bell, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, Steve Jobs, Martine Rothblatt, Jeff Bezos… Just a few amazing people who contributed immensely to our world with their innovations. Regardless of their sector, they’ve all played a crucial part in making our world better, easier and accessible. And they’ve all been through the same struggles such as technical problems, limited financial means and self-assurance. But no matter how many times they failed, they never gave up and changed our society with their creations. One of our partners, Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV), invests in brilliant and creative young people so they can connect their creativity with the world, and maybe make a positive contribution to change our world.
Established in 1991, TTGV embraced three simple yet impactful actions to motivate youth to find opportunities in problems to lead innovation in Turkey: explore, share and take action. To implement each of these notions, TTGV created inspiring programs in which they provide support to potential entrepreneurs/innovators every step of the way. First thing is first. They first have young entrepreneurs explore new concepts, projects, activities and success stories on technology and innovation through their online platform, Ideaport. Ideaport introduces young minds to creative individuals, entrepreneurs and experts from various fields. Now that they’re connected online with innovative leaders, it’s time to introduce them in person. This time the destination is Kivilcim, a reactive hub for industrial creativity in Ankara where young people are encouraged to share ideas, and co-create. Besides workshops and events on various subjects in the field of technological innovation, Kıvılcım gives support so they can learn the meaning of supply and demand, and read balance sheets and cash flow statements, while exploring market research and social responsibility. Now, young entrepreneurs with an idea are ready to turn it into a product, platform or an app. They created business plans. They’re motivated. It’s time to take action. That’s when Ideanest comes into picture. Ideanest is a website, that strengthens technical capacity, provides a platform to present the projects and start crowdfunding.
With three cohesive programs and the organizational motto “innovate to support innovation” TTGV gives innovators a chance to share what’s inside them with others so that they can contribute to Turkey’s technological and economic development. TTGV continuously designs, develops and operates high-impact models to address identified gaps between resources, capabilities and markets. As TTGV celebrates its 25th anniversary, they look forward to seeing the impact their programs will have on the development of human kind. Take a look at TTGV’s page to support their programs. Your contributions will enable younger generations to shape our future.