Dear friend,
This mother’s day is special for me. My son will turn 12 years old this year. He is no longer a big boy, but a young man. I am thankful for the opportunities he will have in his life and excited for his future. I am also reminded that not all the mothers are fortunate as me.
As a news anchor, I traveled across Turkey and saw first-hand the hardship of women and girls in rural Turkey. Did you know that Turkey is outpaced by countries such as Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Kazakhstan in its treatment of its mothers, ranking at 65th place in Save the Children‘s newest annual global motherhood rankings? That’s a puzzling figure from a country that is among the top 20 economies of the world.
This Mother’s Day make your mom proud with the gift of an opportunity by donating to TPF’s Gender Equality Fund. The fund supports scholarships for women and girls as well as projects that teach women life skills that will earn them an income. When women do well, society does better. Women are more likely to spend their resources on health and education, leading a remarkable ripple effect in society.
If you are like me and wanting to make a mother smile today, give the gift of an opportunity. We will send you a receipt after your donation. Show the receipt to your mom and she will be proud. Together, we can do better.
Thank you.
Jülide Ateş
Goodwill Ambassador on Gender Equality
Turkish Philanthropy Funds