Dear Friends and Supporters of Turkish Philanthropy Funds,
In honor of TPF’s 8th birthday, which we are celebrating the entire month of February, I am reaching out to share my story as to why I chose to become a TPF Goodwill Ambassador and why I stand for gender equality.
I have been a news anchor for 23 years. Of all the topics I’ve reported on, there has always been one very close to my heart. The ways I’ve seen women in Turkey so unjustly struggle must come to an end.
From the time a girl is born into this patriarchal society, bias begins. Even in the hospital room, an eerie silence passes over the family upon hearing the child born is a girl rather than an anticipated boy.
This bias is henceforth ingrained into that little girl’s mind. In school, in sports, and at home, she is constantly reminded that being ‘like a girl’ equates to not being good enough or always wrong.
She moves from her father’s home to her husband’s home, always belonging to someone else. She is forever at risk of experiencing physical or emotional violence. But through all of this hardship and hurt, these amazing, fearless women carry on. I’ve reported stories like this every single day over my career, cases of violence or abandoned girls. But it’s about time this came to an end. It’s time to bring women back into society. Let’s get them out of their homes and into the workforce. It’s a fact that an educated woman with economic freedom is less likely to be a victim of violence. This change must start with the entire culture’s mindset. We must stop thinking of women only as mothers just as men are not only fathers. As a girl growing up, I was never exposed to this harsh reality that thousands of women in Turkey face every day. I thought I could do anything and be anyone! But I know that’s not how a majority of girls in Turkey view life. That’s why I am setting forth with an organization I can trust to make a difference in the lives of girls and women throughout the country. I want every little girl to have immense confidence and every woman to listen to the excited child inside her and reach for the stars! Turkish Philanthropy Funds is at the heart of it all, so let’s celebrate its birthday by supporting its mission. I stand with TPF for gender equality. Will you join me? Make a tax-deductible donation today. Jülide Ateş