Often the greatest opportunities for giving occur when you are making other major business, personal and financial decisions – writing or revising a will, considering a sale of real estate or other major assets, planning for retirement, or receiving an inheritance. We can help you maximize these financial opportunities for yourself, your heirs, and the charitable causes you care about most.
Stock or Wire Transfer
Please notify us that the stock or wire transfer has been requested and provide the name of the donor, the name of the security, and the number of shares transferred. If you have any questions, Please contact TPF Director of Philanthropy and See the instructions here.
Credit Card
You can donate gifts online with your credit cards. Check out our crowdfunding site.
You can make donations using Paypal.
We can also accept gifts from an IRA rollover, closely-held stock, partnership interests, real estate, and certain items of tangible property. See TPF’s Full Gift Acceptance Policy here.