What makes TPF unique?

Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF) is the leading U.S. community foundation for high-impact social investments dedicated to Turkish and Turkish-American communities. Since its founding in 2007, TPF has mobilized over $48M and has distributed over $26M in grants.

What has been TPF’s impact?

TPF’s work has benefited over 300 projects in over 62 locations – from large cities to villages — in Turkey and the U.S. Our work ranges from immediate relief in the wake of natural disasters to supporting long-term health and education initiatives. Over the decade, TPF donors have reached thousands of families and have created a community dedicated to giving and engagement. We know that to conquer the realities of poverty and inequality everyone’s contribution matters.

How much of donors’ contributions go to projects?

We ensure that 95-99% of your contributions go directly to projects.

Why should I give through TPF rather than through an organization that’s better known?

While there are, many worthy organizations dedicated to supporting Turkish causes, TPF makes meaningful connections between the aspirations and means of donors and the needs of communities. Our professional staff provides expertise and hands-on assistance every step of the way ensuring a personalized and high-impact experience. Our approach is rooted in community and the belief that a network of partners and donors can have a powerful impact.

Is TPF just for Turkish donors?

No. Anyone is welcome to contribute and we have many donors of various nationalities who are passionate about making an impact in Turkish and Turkish-American communities.

How does TPF cover its operational expenses?

Our expenses are covered by our return on investment on our endowment, generous private donors and foundations, and board members. They enable us to make a long-term impact in our communities by providing us the necessary funds we need to manage our office, staff and supplies. Their support makes it possible that 95%-99% of your contributions go to directly to projects.


What does governance mean at TPF?

Governance at TPF has a dual focus: achieving the organization’s social mission and ensuring the organization is sustainable. Both responsibilities relate to the fiduciary responsibility that BOD has with respect to the exercise of authority over the explicit actions TPF takes. Public trust and accountability is essential aspect of organizational sustainability, so TPF achieves its mission in a way that is respected by donors and the community at large. Financial sustainability is also another important aspect of organizational sustainability. TPF is governed by many policies in addition to its by-laws including Whistleblower policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.

What is TPF’s investment policy and who it is overseen by?

Turkish Philanthropy Funds is made up of close to 30 charitable funds established by individuals, families, companies, nonprofits, and private foundations as well as more than 60 NGO partners.  Our capacity to serve the community is directly tied to our ability to preserve and enhance our financial assets. Our board of directors has developed investment policies and guidelines that provide for prudent asset management.  An Investment Committee, comprised of board members and volunteers knowledgeable in the investment field, oversees the investment activities of TPF.