Three months ago, our community faced an unimaginable challenge when two devastating earthquakes shook the core of our homes, lives, and spirits. In the midst of the turmoil, we uncovered the true resilience of our community. Though the scars of the earthquake are still visible, the spirit of hope and unity shines even brighter as our community continues to show us that we rise and stand together even in the darkest times.
In the aftermath of the disaster, our community’s inspiring response has allowed us to distribute over $7.5 million in grants to more than 50 vetted organizations, reaching over 1.5 million people in need. We have made significant strides in addressing urgent necessities and rebuilding our community. Our actions have been guided by these core objectives: supporting local organizations, implementing an equity lens in all grant decisions, enhancing the capacity of our partners, offering flexible funding, fostering partnerships, and prioritizing accountability and reporting.
As we mark the third-month anniversary of the earthquakes, we want to acknowledge our progress and the unbreakable bonds we’ve formed by sharing our 3rd Month Impact Report.
And, as we focus on long-term recovery, we’re dedicated to restoring normalcy and revitalizing everyday life in the affected areas. The road to recovery is long, but our determination and unity will carry us through, and together we will continue to heal, rebuild, and emerge stronger.