Dear donors, supporters, wishful thinkers and idealists,
This update comes to you with great happiness and pride to prove small moves make huge changes. KEDV (Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work) has recently submitted their final project report. In October of 2011, we at TPF were quick to grant KEDV $25,000 to build a Women and Children’s Center in Van. During the 1-year anniversary remembrance, we spoke with KEDV and they were having a very hard time obtaining land. Location of the center was key, in that the people who needed it most, could not travel far. On top of that, once the land was chosen, finding local organizers to help with the project was proving very difficult. After the earthquake, NGO workers were worked to their limits to rebuild the city.
However, against all odds, KEDV pushed through all obstacles and opened the Kevenli Women and Children’s Center. The Center tackles large, relevant issues that locals are in dire need of learning. KEDV verses locals on financial literacy, to help them understand simple economics and how to manage personal finances. Women also benefit from courses in human rights and teaching them violence against women is not acceptable. Additionally, classes on communication with children, productive health and nutrition are also available at the Center. Women attending the sessions are between the ages of 15-45.
To date, 498 women have taken advantage of these courses, and the Center has not even had its official opening ceremony yet. We are in awe of the impact this center will have on the community. It is understood that even if a woman’s friend attends a training course, she will spread the word and influence her neighbors and family.
Lastly, KEDV is listening to their community. 600 door to door visits were made to speak with women in the area. They asked the women what are their needs and how can they help. We cannot wait to follow up with KEDV in the coming months to learn the results of this survey and how they will shape their program to help the women.
All the best,
Team TPF